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Randello Randello Randello


Seaside Resort

At about 600 meters from the proprety is the entrance of the Riserva Randello that consists of a forest overlooking the sea on a beach. It is located near the nature reserve Pino D’aleppo where you reach the beach that stretches for about 1500 meters, which main feature is the presence of shells. Nearby there is the Punta Braccetto beach, known for the presence of an impressive cliff and a beach of fine golden sand.

The reserve, in addition to being destination to enjoy a picnic in absolute silence nestled among the trees, the thorny oaks, mastic trees, eucalyptus, ilmirto and other species of the Mediterranean It is a meeting point for many groups scout local and national.

Added by Legambiente and Touring Club of the most beautiful beaches in Italy .


Location (GPS): 36°49'55.8" N 14°27'34.3" E

Tags: Randello, Punta Braccetto, Reserve Pino d'Aleppo, Beach